Relationships: 4 Signs He Just Wants To Smash By “A Man With Game”

F Collins

What did we learn from “game guru” Mr Feliciano Collins

Three women from the New York area have come forward with receipts after viewing our insta story this week.

Feliciano tried and failed to trick them into bed, thankfully they had a narrow escape. Sadly thousands of other women fall victim to his game and some are recorded during and after sex.

Beware ladies! As evil as his tactics are, they work. Please don’t be his next victim. Let’s talk about his strategy in depth so you know what to look for.

And compare his sexual advances vs the advances of your future husband

Feliciano has profiles posted on Plenty Of Fish and several other reputable dating websites and in his own words claims to be “the perfect man for you”.

Based on the number of women coming forward he is fairly indiscriminate, and dating is a numbers game for him.

He is consistent in searching for sex. We suspect he makes time everyday to inbox the same message to hundreds. His preference is black women.

He is patient. Arranging meetings back to back to increase his chances of catching women off guard. He makes his intentions clear within 3 dates and disappears soon after.

He deliberately chooses down market venues to entice women back to his place.

He arrives at each date approx 15-20 mins late. The mixed signals don’t stop there, he enjoys crossing personal boundaries and his hands will grope your waist and move suggestively to your butt area.

Every move he makes is premeditated to bring down a woman’s defenses plus he uses weird pet names like “Daddy”.

He avoids answering probing questions, instead he works to sexually arouse his conquest until she gives in.

One of his tactics is to arrange last minute dates, only to ghost as soon as she gives him the cookie, in order to “tear down her self esteem” as he says in one of his videos


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Once you fall into his trap, he leads you back to his place, which is never more than 10 minutes away from the location of the date.

Then he plies women with alcohol and boasts “that a glass of wine works every single time”.

He sleeps with women not for mutual pleasure but for his ego, to prove he’s the boss and degrades them in the process.

While this case is rare, Feliciano has a huge influence on young men online and as a self proclaimed “master of game”, he is a reminder that when you play with fire you get burned.

As much as casual relationships are viewed as cool, those who have been in situationships and come out unscathed can testify that it’s not worth it. Sex is safest within marriage.

Remember men with game

1. Only see you as a sexual conquest. He gets satisfaction by playing mind games until you submit and become obsessed then he ghosts leaving your heartbroken.

2. Don’t assume you are in an exclusive relationship until you both agree. The right man won’t hesitate to take you off the dating market and claim you publicly. If you have to question where you stand, you are not in a relationship.

3. When a man direct messages remember you are the prize. His job is to prove himself in the early stages through his pursuit.

4. Good sex won’t make him choose you. Stop thinking you have to bring the whole table for him to know your worth. The fact is the woman he marries won’t have to prove anything aside from being herself. You are good enough to be loved.

Not all men are the same, many mature and have good intentions for you and your future.

Isn’t it incredible how quickly “men with game” and “men who are ready” make up their minds about you.

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Relationships: 4 Signs He Just Wants To Smash By “A Man With Game”

What did we learn from “game guru” Mr Feliciano Collins Three women from the New York area have come forward with receipts after viewing our insta story this week. Feliciano tried and failed to trick them into bed, thankfully they had a narrow escape. Sadly thousands of other women fall victim to his game and some are recorded during and after sex. Beware ladies! As evil as his tactics are, they … [Read More...]

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